The Middle Raged podcast is hosted by British authors Adam Eccles and Keith A Pearson. To say they’re best known for writing time travel novels would be a stretch, so let’s say they’re barely known for writing time travel novels.
Adam Eccles
Adam is a cynical tech-nerd hermit, living in the west of Ireland for the last twenty-five years.
With a long career in technology and being an avid time travel fan, as well as having a lifelong love of comedy, you can find elements of all these things in his novels.
His singular most irritating rage point is lazy grammar.
You can check out Adam’s website HERE.
Keith A Pearson
Keith is a full-time author from the leafy suburbs of Surrey, although his upbringing on a rough-arse council estate was anything but leafy.
With an appetite for time travel and all things nostalgic, Keith penned his first novel, The ’86 Fix, in 2016.
His singular most irritating rage point is cookie consent pop-ups on every website.
You can check out Keith’s website HERE.